Yılda bir kez cıkarttığımız yayınımız 10.000 adet basılıp, Konya da buyuk ve orta olcekli firmalara ( kobilere ) 3.000 adet dagıtılmakta ,yine ofislerimizin oldugu İzmir, Ankara, Denizli, Bursa ve merkez İSTANBUL da da kobilere ve sanayiye 2.500 adet dagıtılmaktadır. 3.000 Adet yurt dısı adres gonderisi yapılan yaynımız ayrıca yurtdısında belirlenen sektorlerin en secme 3-4 fuarında da 1.500 adet dagıtılmaktadır. KONYA’mızın yurt içi ve dışında daha iyi tanıtılabilmesi icin, konyanın sanayi, ekonomi, turizm ve sehircilik olarak incelendigi ve anlatıldıgı bir yayındır.
There is a saying nothing is achieved unless it is dreamt first. Innovation can not be learned but it can be developed to shine, inspiration, motivation, spirit, hope, position thinking, empathy, intuition. Scientists discovered the emotional intelligence, and it is said that one sees best with a heart. Competitiveness is the sine qua non of success anywhere. Yet to become competitive, firms must be able to measure and evaluate their performance. As always, therule of the game is to know where your competition is and what he is doing. Actually, the world has become a global village and business knows no international boundaries. However, the rule of the game is dynamic competitiveness. The concept of competition has been undergoing a permanent change. As known, the Turkish exporters operating in Konya are not isolated from these realities. They are fully conscious of the fact that they have to cope with The dynamically changing conditions; and they strive to do so in order to survive in the world markets.
Despite the global imbalances and the regional turmoil, the Turkish Economy sustains its strong position on the path of sustainable growth. As for Turkey’s exporters, they wish to relentlessly invest,- manufacture and export.
Carrying out sizeable technology investments in various industries, Konya-Based companies managed to diversify their export markets. Realizing a fascinating growth in the past decade, the business people of Konya are nowgearing up themselves to produce the market trends by investing in brand development. Once known as a grain warehouse for the entire country, Konya now boasts a remarkably developing industrial base.
From the stand point of exporters, competition is a complex series of moves and counter moves on a global landscape like a chess play. Exporters operating in Konya are no exception. They are particularly involved in identifying, evaluating and selecting target markets by trying to answer global questions.
The considerably rich background of the province has been enough to make her regarded as an open-air museum, with numerous historical sites and a large number of works of art. As it was the case in the past, the province takes pride in contributing to the bright future of Turkey. This special supplement on Konya aims at conveying the messages of the business people operating in Konya. We wish them and their trading partners success and lucrative trade.