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The Solar Power Plant (SPP),

which was completed by

Karatay Municipality in Saracoğlu

Neighborhood, commenced

operations and started to produce


Karatay Mayor Hasan Kilca was

present in the examination of

the solar power plant, which is

a total of 5 million 780 thousand

liras investment and 4 thousand

400 pieces of 260W power

polycrystalline photovoltaic panel in


We Contribute To The Vision Of

Our State To Rescue From The

Dependence Of Energy

Mayor Hasan Kılca mentioned the

importance of the second solar

power plant of Karatay Municipality,

which stated that they have

accomplished important services in

the fields of environment and energy

as well as physical and social

municipality works.

Hasan Kılca, recalled that is

the first of which was put into

operation in the Neighborhood

of Tatlıcak and established on 3

thousand 770 square meters of

land the solar power plant cost

1 million 220 thousand liras, he

stated ‘’ In order to reduce the

increasing dependence of our

country on foreign energy, both

our government and the Ministry of

Energy and Natural Resources have

undertaken many vision projects

so far. We, as Karatay Municipality,

have implemented two solar power

plants in order to contribute to

this vision. When we set out for

these projects, our goal was to be

able to generate our own energy

as a municipality and to increase

sustainability in energy production

with renewable energy sources. I

can say that we have achieved this

with the two solar power plants we

have put into service.’’

Karatay Belediyesi tarafından

Saracoğlu Mahallesi’nde yapımı

tamamlanan Güneş Enerji

Santrali(GES), faaliyete geçerek

enerji üretimine başladı.

Karatay Belediye Başkanı Hasan

Kılca, toplamda 5 milyon 780 bin

liraya mal olan ve 4 bin 400 adet

260W gücünde polikristal fotoyoltaik

panel kullanılan güneş enerji

santralinde incelemelerde bulundu.

Devletimizin Enerjide Dışa

Bağımlılıktan Kurtulma Vizyonuna

Katkı Sağlıyoruz

Başkanı Hasan Kılca, fiziki ve sosyal

belediyecilik çalışmalarının yanı sıra

çevre ve enerji alanlarında da önemli

hizmetlere imza attıklarını belirterek

hizmete giren Karatay Belediyesi’ne

ait ikinci güneş enerji santralinin

önemine değindi.

Hasan Kılca, ilki Tatlıcak

Mahallesi’nde faaliyete geçirilen ve

3 bin 770 metrekare arsa üzerine

kurulan güneş enerji santralinin 1

milyon 220 bin liraya mal olduğunu

hatırlatarak, “Ülkemizin enerjide

artan dışa bağımlılığını azaltmak

amacıyla gerek hükümetimiz

gerekse de Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar

Bakanlığımız bugüne kadar birçok

vizyon projelere imza attılar. Karatay

Belediyesi olarak bizler de bu

vizyona katkı sunmak amacıyla iki