personel belgelendirme sertifikasyonunun önemini ve
değerini de ortaya koymaktadır.
Bu süreçte Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu tarafından
yetkilendirilen KARSEM, ilk etapta İnşaat ve Ticaret
alanında personel sınav ve belgelendirme hizmeti
sağlayarak ülkemiz iş gücü kalitesini daha nitelikli kılmak
adına faaliyetlerine başlamıştır.
KARSEM, ulusal ve uluslararası alanda akademik ve
bilimsel çalışmalara katkı sağlamak amacıyla alanında söz
sahibi araştırmacı ve bilim adamlarının katıldığı konferans,
kongre, sempozyum ve seminerler düzenlemektedir.
Karsem Güçlü Akademik Kadrosu İle Bilim Ve
Teknolojinin Işığında Güvenilir, Bağımsız Teknik Rapor,
Mütalaa Ve Laboratuvar Hizmetleri Sunmaktadır
Laboratuvar Hizmetleri
Çevre güvenliği, binaların sağlamlığı ve depreme
dayanıklılığı, inşaat sektöründe kullanılan malzeme ve
ekipmanın kalitesi, gıdaların kontrolü, sağlık, mühendislik
ve daha birçok alanda üretim-hizmet sürecinde yapılan test
ve kalibrasyon işlemleri gün geçtikçe çok daha fazla önem
kazanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda KARSEM, güçlü akademik
kadrosu ve en son teknolojiye sahip laboratuvarları ile
bağımsız test ve deneyler yaparak, kalite sürecinde hem
üreticiye hem de tüketiciye pek çok alanda analiz hizmeti
Ayrıca KARSEM, güçlü akademik kadrosu ve yüksek
teknolojiye sahip laboratuvarları ile kamu sektörü ve iş
dünyası tarafından ihtiyaç duyulan alanlarda teknik rapor,
hukuki mütalaa hizmeti sunmaktadır.
Sectors” in the first stage with its staff of experienced
Discovering The World With “Personal Development
Every individual needs personal development in order to
live his life in a quality, meaningful, successful and peaceful
manner. Personal development; it is aimed to discover
oneself and gain an alternative perspective in life processes
by gaining self-discovery and awareness at a certain period
of life. For this purpose, KARSEM organizes personal
development trainings and strengthens the society in order
to strengthen the personal development processes of
individuals with its strong academic and broad educational
First Konya, Turkey Announcement Ts En Iso Iec 17024
Standard With Accredited Agency: Karsem
KARSEM has been accredited by the Turkish Accreditation
Authority (TURKAK) for successfully completing the audits
of the 17024 Personnel Examination and Certification
Accreditation Standard. What makes the TS EN ISO IEC
17024 standard different and useful is that for the first time,
the issue of ‘personnel capabilities’ is seriously addressed.
This approach significantly improves business performance
for the organization, regardless of the field of work, and
also demonstrates the importance and value of personnel
certification. Karsem, which is authorized by the Professional
Qualifications Authority in this process, has started its
activities in order to make the quality of the workforce more
qualified by providing personnel examination and certification
services in the field of Construction and
Trade in the first place.
KARSEM organizes conferences, symposiums and seminars
with the participation of researchers and scientists in the field
in order to contribute to academic and scientific studies in
national and international fields.
Karsem Provides Reliable, Independent Technical
Report, Mechanical And Laboratory Services In The
Light Of Scıence And Technology With Strong
Academia Staff
Laboratory Services
Testing and calibration procedures in the production-service
process in environmental safety, robustness and earthquake
resistance, quality of materials and equipment used in the
construction industry, control of food, health, engineering
are becoming more and more important as it passes. In this
context, KARSEM provides analysis services in many fields
to both producers and consumers in the quality process
by conducting independent tests and experiments with its
strong academic staff and state-of-the-art laboratories.
In addition, KARSEM, with its strong academic staff and
high-tech laboratories, provides technical reporting and legal
consultation services in areas needed by the public sector
and the business world.